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Danesholme Infant Academy

Olive Tree Class Page

Key staff:
Class teacher- Mrs Harris
Teaching assistant- Mrs Robertson
Olive Tree Class information:
 PE is on Tuesday and a Friday, please bring children in with PE kit already on. Children need plimsolls or trainers in order to take part in outdoor PE.
Please can I ask that all children bring a water bottle to school to keep in the classroom  throughout the day, as they do not have access to their lunch boxes during the day. It must be water that is in your child's bottle in the classroom please.
Children only need to bring a book bag to school, please do not send children in with backpacks as there is not enough room on their pegs for this.
Reading books and reading records must be in school every day. Library books and reading books will be changed every Thursday.
Updated information will be regularly shared using Class Dojo, including celebrations and ideas for home learning.
Thank you,
Olive Tree Team