Nursery Class
Welcome to Apple Tree Class!
On our page will find our termly newsletters, key information and photos celebrating our learning.
Key staff in Apple Tree class:
Class Teacher - Mrs A McInally
Teaching Assistant – Mrs K McHardy
Nursery Assistant - Mrs C Poore
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child into Nursery.
Our class half-termly newsletters will inform you of our topics and the areas we will be covering, as well as any additional information you need to know.
General Information
Please feel free to come and speak to us about how your child is settling in, developments you would like to share or any concerns you have. You can speak to any of us in the mornings or if you need more time to have a longer conversation please wait till the end of the session when we are more flexible and we can concentrate better as there are no children in our care.
Please can we remind you to make sure that children wear clothing appropriate to the weather conditions. Please provide your child with appropriate footwear and coat when necessary. We would like the children to play freely both indoors and outdoors so please make sure that your child wears clothes you do not mind getting dirty or ruined. The clothing needs be comfortable and your child should be able to put on and fasten themselves. Uniform is not compulsory but if you would like your child to have a academy sweatshirt please speak to the office staff who will help you to order one.
Nursery Curriculum
All of our children will be assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage criteria which will enable us to begin your child's learning journey with realistic learning experiences tailored to their ability. We value your support as ultimately you know your children best and we will keep you informed of your child's learning through our conversations, tapestry app and stay and play sessions which are in place of parents’ evenings.
Promote your child’s independence
We would like to ask you to promote your child’s independence by encouraging your little ones to do things by themselves and help you in everyday activities. It will be greatly appreciated when your child is able to dress themselves and use the toilet independently.
We are stars. Watch us shine!
We are sure that you are all very proud of your children, as we are. Every day they surprise you with a new thing they have learnt or are able to do. Please share your pride with us so we can celebrate your child’s achievements in our nursery. If you need any more of the stars please ask us as we will be delighted to let your child shine even brighter on our display board. We would like to display those stars in our classroom alongside stars given by the nursery staff whenever a child excels at his/ her learning or displays characteristics of effective learning. It can be absolutely anything what gives you a sense of pride.
Importance of reading
Reading is a very important part of learning and has a huge impact on your child’s attention span, vocabulary, future ability to write and it cultivates their imagination. Moreover, it is a fantastic time to relax and such an experience to create a bond between your child and yourself. We would like to encourage a love for reading in your children.
Despite the fact that your child is not at compulsory school age, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know if your child will not be attending the nursery and the reason why.
Polite reminder
Just a polite reminder that nursery AM session is 8:40 am until 11.40am. The gate will be closed at 9:00. If your child attends the PM nursery session the time is 12.20pm to 3.20pm.
Big thank you!
We would like to thank all the parents for their efforts and cooperation so far. We want you to know that the nursery team appreciates that you respond to the messages in our letters and help us to facilitate your children’s learning.
Thank you…
The nursery team