Code of conduct
Dedication Inspires Success
At the Danesholme Infant Academy we aim to:
- Capture children’s imagination and inspire a love of learning
- Engage, excite and ensure each child achieves their personal best
- Ensure everyone feels equally valued, has a sense of belonging and contributes positively to the success of the school
- Have a clear vision, effective communication and teamwork
- Have staff and children working together to make our school a warm, welcoming and stimulating place where they feel safe and secure, so learning happens
- Provide an enriched curriculum which is interesting, contemporary and relevant
- Develop and encourage the partnership of parents and the community in the life of the school
At the Academy we will:
- Work in partnership with parents
- Make school a warm, welcoming place where your child will feel safe and secure
- Provide a curriculum which inspires your child to succeed
- Provide any extra support your child may require
- Keep you informed about general school matters, topics to be covered and your child’s progress
- Follow the Academy’s positive behaviour policy to help your child keep The Golden Rules
- Open the doors at 8.45 am to give children time to settle before lessons start
The family will:
- Work in partnership with the Academy
- Help with homework and ensure their child has his/her book bag and PE kit in school each day and no jewellery on PE days
- Attend Open Evenings to discuss their child’s progress
- Attend Special Educational Needs reviews, where necessary
- Inform the Academy of any events at home which may affect their child in school
- Support the Academy’s positive behaviour policy and encourage their child to keep The Golden Rules
- Ensure their child is in the Academy by 8.55am and is collected promptly at the end of the day
- Encourage their child to have a healthy breakfast