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Danesholme Infant Academy

Be a Sports Player at DIA


Physical Education


At Danesholme Infant Academy we develop pupils' physical literacy and competitive values in a way that supports their health and fitness. This is achieved by following the EYFS framework and National Curriculum, whilst utilising inclusive specialist schemes of learning that we have identified using staff voice.   

Pupils will engage in both competitive and cooperative physical activities in a range of challenging situations, from in school lessons to external competitions. Children will have access to extra-curricular opportunities to further develop skills and passions for sport and exercise with the support of Sport Premium funding. On top of this, P.E at DIA contributes to the cultural capital of its pupils through a range of diverse cultural sporting experiences both indoors and using our outdoor environment. The use of skills builder and opportunities to explore jobs in sport are integrated within our P.E curriculum. 

Our intention is to improve the physical and mental well-being of our pupils by delivering passionate focused P.E lessons, alongside extra-curricular activities, active lunch time opportunities and regular in-class movement breaks - inspiring a life-long love for sport, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. At DIA we have a focus on building children's physical fitness through high quality PE lessons and a broad range of activities withing the National Curriculum so they understand the importance of being active and healthy.  

How this links to whole school intent: 

Encourage explorative learners 

Independent decision makers 

Problem solvers 

Enjoying child led-learning 


Early Years 

EYFS Development Matters:  


New Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage: 


Key Stage 1 

National Curriculum in England: Physical Education Programmes of Study: 

Development Matters

Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage.


Pupils participate twice weekly in high quality PE and sporting activities, with additional daily access to other active lessons. All classes participate in 5-a-day, go noodle or BBC Super Movers fitness videos on a daily basis to help students meet the 30 minutes of physical activity within the school day.

Our PE curriculum incorporates a variety of activities and skills to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of physical education. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events run throughout the year. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being. Children will explore basic skills through games, gymnastics and dance. There is an expectation that in each lesson children will increase their heart rate and will learn the importance of keeping healthy.

Interventions takes place during the lesson via; verbal feedback, effective plenaries, pupil feedback and over-learning opportunities. Teachers also provide some opportunity to over-learn key skills where needed through outdoor play e.g breaks and lunch times and extra-curricular activities. Lessons are adapted from the schemes to differentiate for the individual. Teachers use equipment effectively to support individual progress e.g. when exploring catching and throwing skills children whom are very good at this might be given a smaller ball to work with.

Extra Curricular clubs are offered for pupils to extend and embed their curriculum learning. On top of this, events such as Sports day and themed festival weeks (I.e sport relief) provide pupils with further extended curriculum opportunities. Cultural experiences like Diwali and Chinese New Year are also woven into the P.E curriculum including bespoke Indian dancing lessons.


At DIA, our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and physical fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines that PE promotes. We ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of fun sports and activities that the children are interested and inspired to take part in.

Within our lessons, children are taught that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of your own health and fitness. All children are provided with the skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvements to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active, not just within the PE lesson, but throughout the day e.g. Go Noodle, active maths and outdoor learning - this has positive implications on their learning inside the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise.  We hope children enjoy PE and develop a love of sport, and physical activity, that they pursue outside in future life.