Be a Scientist at DIA
Science Intent
Science will be taught in a cross curricular manner and is closely linked to our Topic work where appropriate. In the event that this is not possible, for example where any links are considered tenuous, stand-alone lessons will be used to deliver content. We will encourage our pupils to be curious about natural phenomena and to be excited by the process of understanding the world around them with an emphasis on developing our children’s Science capital.
This includes observing nature and engaging with the world around them, using our outdoor environment, both on site and in the local area, to support this. Key scientific terminology will be introduced each lesson and knowledge will be built upon throughout the school. Within a sequence of lessons learning will also be underpinned with links made to the 5 strands of working scientifically as the children will be able to classify, observe and measure, carry out simple fair tests, collect and handle data, and ask and answer questions. Whilst at Danesholme Infant Academy, children will learn the skills and knowledge outlined within the National Curriculum for example Animals including habitats. Skills Builder and Careers opportunities are integrated within the science curriculum. We ensure that children have the opportunity to practice all eight of the vital skills and link these to future career opportunities for children in scientific fields.
Visits by specialists such as Mad Science and Bugtopia, alongside members of the community, including parents, will be used to enhance the delivery of lessons and develop our children’s science capital. We will also have dedicated science days throughout the year.
Example of lesson coverage:
Minibeasts! |
Woodland Animals | |
What do you think you would see and hear if you went for a walk through the woods? | |
Why does the Moon shine at night? | |
All the planets in our solar system. | |
Seasons Y1 |
There are four seasons in a year. |
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Shadows Y1 | |
My shadow, it is the same shape as me, | |
National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study: