Be a Geographer at DIA
Geography Intent
Our intent is to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Geography and EYFS Framework (Understanding of the world); providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that also encompasses Earth preservation and conservation. We ensure that geographical concepts, knowledge and skills progress from Nursery to Year 2 enabling the children to develop love for geography and the world through our key texts, using and creating maps and real life experiences. This includes observing nature and engaging with the world around them, using our outdoor environment; on site, walks in the local area and day trips to explore different environments.
At Danesholme Infant Academy, we aim for a high-quality geography curriculum which teaches our pupils about similarities and differences of places, human and physical geography like seasonal and daily weather patterns and identifying human and physical features of our environment. We also want children to develop geographical skills and fieldwork: collecting and analysing data; using maps, globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name and identify countries, continents and oceans; and communicating information in a variety of ways. Our teaching equips pupils with basic locational knowledge of the UK and other places in the world.
Skills Builder and Careers opportunities are integrated within both geography and history curriculum. We ensure that children have the opportunity to practice all eight of the vital skills and link these to future career opportunities for children in humanities fields and other fields too as pupils learn about a range of jobs in the local area explored in geography lessons.
Example of lesson coverage:
Physical and human features - Geography. |
Geography is the science of the Earth’s surface, its atmosphere and its features. Geography informs us about our planet and the world we live in. We learn about different places, the contin… |
Greta Thunberg Y2 | |
By the end of this information text you will be able to: | |
The Amazon Rainforest Y2 | |
By the end of this presentation you will be able to: | |
National Curriculum in England: geography programmes of study