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Danesholme Infant Academy


Admissions to the Danesholme Infant Academy

The Danesholme Infant Academy provides education for children within the 4 -7 age range in the Corby area.

For Reception year, in the year preceding admission, parents should apply using the North Northamptonshire Local Authority process. All applications for Reception year, starting in September, needed to be completed and submitted to the Local Authority by 5.00pm on 15 January.  Any applications for Reception year made after this date are deemed as late and will go into the next run of allocations.

Parents will receive their offer of a school place on 16 April or the nearest working day.

For all other in-year admissions, parents must apply for a place through the Local Authority.


There will be a right of appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel for unsuccessful applicants relating to admissions at age 5 (statutory school age) or above.  Appeals should be made within twenty (20) school days of the date of refusal.

Please be aware that the regulations under Section I of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 limit the size of an infant class (a class in which the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year) to 30 pupils per class teacher. Admissions over this limit are only permitted in very limited circumstances.

If refused admission, you should contact North Northamptonshire County Council to lodge an appeal.

Appeal a school place | North Northamptonshire Council (

If you wish to appeal a school place, please be aware that until the appeal is successful, and you have an alternative school placement, your child will remain on roll with us and be subject to attendance guidelines.

In Year Admissions

Applications for entry outside of usual reception admissions need to be made to the Local Authority. The Local Authority holds our waiting list.