Academy Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Executive Principal: Mrs N Lamond
Head of Academy: Mrs C May
KS1 Phase Lead: Mrs G Harris
Early Years Lead: Mrs R Brown
SENCO & Inclusion Lead: Mrs D Reynolds
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs N Lamond, Mrs C May, Mrs G Harris, Mrs R Brown, Mrs L Evans, Mrs D Reynolds and Mrs P Docherty
Support Staff
Senior Administrator: Mrs L Sable
Administrator & Attendance Officer: Mrs K Sellars
Classroom Staff
Apple Tree – Mrs A McInally
Supported by: Mrs C Poore & Mrs K McHardy (Apprentice)
Cherry Tree – Mrs R Brown
Peach Tree – Mrs K Faulds (Wednesday-Friday) & Mrs E Cole Wallace (Monday & Tuesday)
Reception supported by: Mrs B Martin, Mrs E Richards, Mrs D Drain (1 to 1)
Year 1
Olive Tree – Mrs J Widzyk
Maple Tree – Miss M Mansfield
Palm Tree - Mr J Hoyle
Year 1 supported by: Mrs T Moulton Moyse, Miss J McGovern, Mrs C Harte, Mrs S Wlson Mrs S Cassie (am)
Year 2
Willow Tree – Mrs L Evans (Monday - Thursday) Mrs Cole Wallace (Friday)
Oak Tree – Mrs G Harris
Year 2 supported by: Ms H Brown, Mrs V Robertson, Mrs W Shields (am).
Ms H Brown
Cover Supervisors
Mrs T Moulton Moyse
Midday Supervisors:
Mrs A Bester, Miss A Bruce, Mrs H Farren, Mrs F Finnegan, Miss C Ward and Mrs A Cimbala
Breakfast & After School Club
Senior Supervisor: Miss A Bruce
Assistants: Mrs A Bester and Mrs F Murray
Site Staff
Premises Officer: Mrs L Whiten
Site Supervisor: Mr D Lindsay
Health & Safety Contact:
Mrs E Brown, Mrs L Hagan, Mrs F Haselip, Mrs M Johnson, Mrs N Rasic, Mrs A Rowe, Mrs C Williams and Mrs D Wilson