Children's Mental Health Week
Children's Mental Health Week
Children's Mental Health Week
Application Deadline: midnight on Sunday 15th January 2024.
On Friday 8th December the Nursery and Reception children will be singing Carols in the school playground at 10am, raising money for the Children's Society charity.
We would like to invite parents into the school hall from 9am - 9:50am, for tea & coffee, to keep warm, whilst the children get ready.
Join Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 7 December 2023 and help children everywhere get the best future ever.
Suggested donation of £1 for Save the Children.
We will be having a MUFTI day to support Children in Need and round off anti bullying week, suggested donation of £1 to wear Mufti or Children in Need themed attire.
We are asking pupils to come to school wearing their most brilliant odd socks on Monday 13th November.
Poppies and other Poppy Appeal merchandise will be on sale daily from the school office.
Suggested donations for the Poppy Appeal merchandise start from as little as 50p and a donation of your choice for the poppies.
A reminder to stay safe over the Bonfire Night season. Here is some advice from the Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service. Remember that Corby always has a lovely free Firework Display which is cheaper and safer than holding your own!
Please do download the leaflets below.
In order for parents to view our school and make informed choices about a primary school for their children, we will be holding open days. During these appointments, parents will be given a tour of our school and an overview of Danesholme Infant Academy life. Parents will have the chance to ask any questions about any aspect of their child joining our school community.
We have a few dates available so if you would like to arrange a time to visit our school, please phone the school office (01536 741732) to make a booking.
The visits will take place on Monday 16th October, Tuesday 17th October and Wednesday 18th October from 10-11am and 1.30-2.30pm
VISIT DATE ADDED - Tuesday 7th November from 3.30-4.30pm
We look forward to meeting you.
This term year 1 will be learning about farming, animals and their babies and the food chain. To support this, we have planned a Year 1 trip to West Lodge Rural Centre on Tuesday 3rd October. This is a great opportunity to bring learning to life.
Year 2 leaver's assembly in the hall.
We are looking forward to sharing our celebration of learning with you all.
As part of our topic on water, we will be undertaking a visit to Stanwick Lakes, where we will have the opportunity to do pond dipping and carry out scientific investigations into our findings.